50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

Publications 2004


  • W. Bein, L. Larmore, R. Reischuk
    Knowledge States for the Caching Problem in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Par. Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN), IEEE Computer Society 2004, 307-312
  • M. Bläser, A. Jakoby, M. Liskiewicz, B. Manthey
    Privacy in Non-Private Environments
    Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT), LNCS 3329, Springer-Verlag 2004, 137-151
  • M. Bläser
    Approximate Budget Balanced Mechanisms with Low Communication Costs for the Multicast Pricing Problem
    Proc. 15th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2004), 625-626
  • H. Völzer
    On Randomization versus Synchronization in Distributed Systems
    Proc. ICALP 2004, LNCS 3142, Springer 2004, 1214-1226
  • D. Varacca, H. Völzer, G. Winskel
    Probabilistic Event Structures and Domains
    Proc. 15. Int. Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2004), LNCS 3170, Springer 2004, 481-496
  • M. Liskiewicz, H.J. Purohit, D.V. Raje
    Relation of Residues in the Variable Region of 16S rDNA Sequences and their Relevance to Genus-Specificity
    Proc. 4th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2004), LNBI 3240, Springer 2004, 362-373


  • H. Völzer, A. MacDonald, B. Atchison, A. Hanlon, P. Lindsay, P. Strooper
    SubCM: A Tool for Improved Visibility of Software Change in an Industrial Setting
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 10, 2004, 675-693
  • M. Liskiewicz, B. Manthey
    New Lower and Upper Bounds for the Competitive Ratio of Transmission Protocols
    Information Processing Letters, 89 (6) 2004, 297-301
  • M. Bläser
    An 8/13-Approximation for the Asymmetric Maximum TSP
    J. Algorithms 50,1, 2004, 23-48
  • H. Völzer
    A Constructive Proof for FLP
    Information Processsing Letters 92, 2004, 83-87
  • A. Jakoby, M. Liskiewicz, R. Reischuk
    Approximating Schedules for Dynamic Graphs Efficiently
    Journal on Discrete Algorithms, Vol. 2/4(2004), 471-500
  • B. Manthey, J. Arpe, A. Jakoby, R. Reischuk
    Theoretische Informatik und das Problem des Handlungsreisenden
    FOCUS MUL 21, 3/4, 2004, 195-198

Monografien, Editorium, Buchbeiträge

  • H. Beilner, T. Dreier, M. Gross, O. Günther, S. Hölldobler, K. Löhr, R. Reischuk, D. Wagner (Ed.)
    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2003
    Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2004