My interests regarding TCS lie in complexity theory, specifically
descriptive complexity theory and circuit complexity, parameterized
complexity theory, and the combination of all of these subjects. My
interests regarding EATCS lie in three fields: First and foremost, I
believe that ICALP – together with closely related conferences like ESA or
MFCS – must remain one of the top international conferences
for TCS and EATCS should focus on continuing to
ensure this. Second, I believe that EATCS should play a role in the
unfolding introduction of digital literacy into curricular of
universities and schools in Europe: As theoreticians, we should
be an integral part of the discussion what digital literacy
encompasses and how it should be taught. Third, as a someone with a keen interest in digital
typography, specifically TeX and also web-based digital publishing,
I would like to contribute to EATCS's strategy regarding digital
journals and open access.