14th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

Hansestadt Lübeck, Germany

February 27 - March 1, 1997

Please fill in the registration form (which you will find near the end of this page) and send it together with payment or proof of payment to:

Rüdiger Reischuk
c/o STACS'97, Universität Lübeck
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Wallstraße 40
D - 23560 Lübeck,

The registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks (Thursday, Friday and Saturday), lunch buffets (Thursday and Friday), the reception in the town hall on Thursday night, the guided city tour, the organ concert and the conference dinner on Friday. Please note that the student registration fee also includes a copy of the proceedings and the conference dinner.

Full payment in DM (German marks) must accompany registration, it must be payable to Rüdiger Reischuk/STACS'97. You may pay by check (preferably euro-check), by credit card or you may transfer the fee directly to the STACS'97 bank account (see below) and send us a copy of your order.

The fees are listed below, all prices are in DM:

early registration until 1/20/1997
normal special (*) else
AFCET-GI member 350,- 320,- 400,-
Non-member 400,- 370,- 450,-
Student 220,- 190,- 270,-
Confernce dinner,
additional ticket
100,- 100,- 100,-

Students must include a letter from their department or supervisor verifying student status.

(*) Special:

In order to get the reduced special fees you have to transfer the fee directly to
Commerzbank Lübeck (BLZ 230 400 22, SWIFT-Code: COBADEFF230), Breite Str. 52, D-23552 Lübeck,
Account Rüdiger Reischuk,
keyword STACS'97,
Acct. No. 01100 6400.
Your payment must include all bank charges.

Registration Form for STACS'97:

Information concerning the EU grant for attending STACS'97

Based on the EU Human Capital and Mobility incentive financial support to attend STACS'97 can be given to a limited number of participants. The support will be in form of significantly reduced registration fees. Very few grants will also be available to support travel expenses.

The grants will be given on a first come first served basis according to the specific EU rules. Application forms can be obtained from the organizers by sending

an E-Mail to [email protected] or
a fax request to (+49) 451 7030-438.

Please provide your address including telephone and fax number. The complete application form must be received by the organizers by

January 10, 1997.

General information about the EU rules:

  1. You must be a citizen of a European Union Member State or have been living and working in research in such a state for at least one year.
  2. You must be a "young researcher": according to the EU this means you have got the PhD and you are not older than 35 years (male), resp. 40 years (female).
    In particular, female researchers and those from less favoured regions of the EU shall be supported.
    PhD students with reasonable research experience may also qualify.
  3. No more than one third of the supported participants may come from the same European country.

Back to the STACS'97 front page.

Last modified: May 23, 1997 by K. Genther.