50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Prof. Dr. Till Tantau

Curriculum vitae

Short curriculum vitae of Till Tantau

1975 Born in Berlin
1984 – 1990 Early adolescence in Windhoek, Namibia
1994 Abitur in Berlin
1994 – 1999 Studies at the TU Berlin
1995 Military service
1999 Diploma in computer science at the TU Berlin
1999 – 2005 Research assistant of Prof. Siefkes, TU Berlin
2001 Diploma in mathematics at the TU Berlin
2003 Dr. rer.-nat. at the TU Berlin
2004 One-year research stay with Richard Karp at the ICSI, Berkeley
2005 University professor for theoretical computer science at the Universität zu Lübeck (tenured associate professor)
2007 Civil union with Carsten Lenz
2008 – now Dean of Studies
2014 – now Head of the scientific advisory board of the German national computer science competition
2015 Full professor at the Universität zu Lübeck

Stipends and awards

1992 One of the national winner in the German computer science competition
1993 Silver medaillist at the internation olympiade of informatics in Mendoza, Argentina
1993 Stipend by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
1994 Dr. Habbena award for an outstanding abitur
1999 Erwin-Stephan-Award of the TU Berlin
2002 Best student paper award at MFCS 2002
2003 Dissertation thesis is nominated for the GI-disseration awards
2007, 2010, 2014, 2018, 2021 Teaching award of the students of the faculty of technology and natural sciences