50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Institute for Theoretical Computer Science


Art und Inhalt

Title: Cryptology
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Reischuk
Classification: Master-Studiengang 1. Semester, Wahl
Bachelor-Studiengang 5. Semester, Wahl

Long time before computers and global communication networks existed, people were asking, how information can be transmitted in a safe way. Based on the probability theory 50 years ago, Shannon justified the modern communication theory, which forms one of the bases for the modern coding theory and cryptology.

New results of the complexity theory on the one hand and concrete security needs in global nets on the other hand led to a stormy upward development of cryptology in the last years. By the digitization new setting of tasks were added like the digital signature. This group of topics has itself to emphasis in the activity spectrum of computer scientists and mathematicians developed with a shift from the military to the commercial range (e-Commerce).

This lecture gives an overview of the historical development and fundamental cryprographic procedures.

  • A. Menezes, P. Oorschot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press 1997
  • A. Beutelspacher, H. Neumann, T. Schwarzpaul, Kryptopgrafie in Theorie und Praxis, Vieweg 2005
  • D. Salomon, Data Privacy and Security, Springer 2003
  • D. Stinson, Cryptography, Theory and Practice, (3. Ed.), Chapman & Hall 2006
  • R. Mollin, An Introduction to Cryptography, Chapman & Hall 2007
  • J. Katz, Y. Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Chapman & Hall 2008
  • A. Joux, Algorithmic Cryptanalysis, CRC Press, 2009
  • W. Trappe, L. Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory, Pearson 2006
  • A. Konheim: Cryptography – a Primer. J. Wiley 1981
  • F. Bauer: Entzifferte Geheimnisse. Springer 1997
  • J. Buchmann: Einführung in die Kryptographie. Springer 1999


Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Reischuk
Umfang: 2 SWS, ECTS-Credits: 4
Dates: Tue. 14:00h–16:00h, AMS1


Assistent: Benito van der Zander M.Sc.
Umfang: 1 SWS
Dates: Group 1, Thu. 14:00h–15:00h, ITCS 2021
Group 2, Thu. 15:00h–16:00h, ITCS 2021