As soon as possible
There is an open staff positions at the institute right now in our DFG research project Image hashing. More information can be found under open positions.
„Complexity of Default Logic“
November 20th, 2007, 4pm ct, ITCS seminar room 2021, Building 64, 2nd floor
Mrs. Ilka Schnoor, Rochester Institute of Technology gives a talk which will be held in German.November 18th 2007
The team of the University of Luebeck: Henning Block, Markus Hüllebrandt and Sönke Ludwig, with their Coach M. Liskiewicz, participated on Sunday 18th November 2007 at the ACM Northwestern Europe Regional Programming Contest (NWERC) in Utrecht, Niederlande. The team solved 3 from 10 problems and reached finally place 27 (from 51) Results
November 15, 2007
Our emphasis on the university day this year is Cryptology (how to prevent spying of data), the Traveling Salesperson Problem (search for the shortest travel route by the metropolises of Europe and the capitals of the USA), the Bin Packing Problem (find the optimal arrangement) and an experiment from quantum computer science.
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November 12, 2007
We installed a mailbox where you can leave your homework if we are out for lunch or on vacation or otherwise unable to receive it. The mailbox is located right next to the door of the TCS seminar room.
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Location of the mailbox | Leaving your homework in the mailbox |
October 18, 2007
Since October 18, 2007 the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science presents a complete new designed webside
October 18, 2007
The new Lectures for Winter Semester 2007/08 are online.
October 18, 2007
Starting with Winter Semester 2007/2008, the lectures Logic for Computer Scientists and Informatics A for MLS are available as podcasts.
October 18, 2007
We give a warm welcome to Michael Elberfeld and are looking forward to a mutual team work.
„ ε - λ - Models“
November 13th, 2007, 4pm ct, ITCS seminar room 2021, Building 64, 2nd floor
Mr. Igor Tunjic, Faculty IV, TU-Berlin gives a talk, which will be held in German.
„Consistency of Natural Relations on Sets“
November 8th, 2007, 5pm ct, ITCS seminar room 2021, Building 64, 2nd floor
Prof. Maruoka, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ishinomaki Senshu University, Japan gives a talk, which will be held in English.
The natural relations for sets are those definable in terms of the emptiness of the subsets corresponding to Boolean combinations of the sets. For pairs of sets, there are just five natural relations of interest, namely, strict inclusion in each direction, disjointness, intersection with the universe being covered, or not. Let N denote {1,2,...,n } and $n \choose 2$ denote { (i,j) | i,j ε N and i < j }. A function g on $n \choose 2$ specifies one of these relations for each pair of indices. Then g is said to be consistent on M ⊆ N if and only if there exists a collection of sets corresponding to indices in M such that the relations specified by g hold between each associated pair of the sets. It is proved that if g is consistent on all subsets of N of size three then g is consistent on N. It is also shown that the result concerning binary natural relations can be generalized to r-ary natural relations for arbitrary r ≥ 2.
„Transversals of hypergraphs, parametrised“
July 10th, 2007, 4pm ct, ITCS seminar room 2021, Building 64, 2nd floor
This week in our advanced seminar there will be a talk by Prof. Peter Damaschke, Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University, Göteborg. His talk is will be given in German.
„Minimal cycle covers“
Juni 19th, 2007, 4pm ct, ITCS seminar room 2021, Building 64, 2nd floor
This week in our advanced seminar there will be a talk by Dr. Bodo Manthey, Yale University, New Haven, Department of Computer Science. His talk will be given in German.
„Guaranteed error-free design in industrial computer systems“
June 7th, 2007, 5pm, V1 – Vorklinikum, Building 61
This week in the VIP-colloquium there will be a talk by Prof. Wolfgang Paul, Universität des Saarlandes und DFKI. His talk will be given in German.
March 1, 2007
Jan Arpe has received a research grant from the DAAD (German academic research council). Congratulations, Jan! He will move to Berkeley for one year.
February 2007
Next in line, Frank Balbach has now also received his Dr. rer. nat.
January 2007
We would all like to congratulate Jan Arpe on being now Dr. rer. nat. Jan Arpe.